Friday, May 20, 2016

Terror- an emotional personification

Below is my personification of terror.

Inside out Emotion Personification-Terror

She lurks in the shadows, watching from a far. She takes her time to get to know you. She is never alone, always with her friends, Anxiety, Fear, and her brother Horror. Many say she looks sweet at first, but that is not the case. Terror is a slim girl with long black hair that hangs down to just above the ground, her eyes or rather where her eyes should be are two black holes that seem to go on forever. Terror, with the help of her friends and brother, spends her time following people around and making their worst fears come to life. She lurks in every shadow, makes trees branches tap on your window on a dark and stormy night. She sends a chill down your spine when you are waiting for something you’re nervous about. Terror finds joy in others fear, she feeds on the screams and the frantic panic of someone trying to explain what happened. One of her favorite things to do is every so often get caught on camera or a TV show, it’s not that she wants the fame, but instead the joy she gets of watching herself get featured in a movie, or on the news. Seeing the large group she terrifies just fills her black heart with joy. The paranormal stories, the movies, the pictures, it’s all so pleasing to her, getting to relive those moments while seeing what they do to others is a feeling unexplainable. She loves scaring kids mostly with strange sounds and stuff in their dark rooms; parents normally don’t believe them making it even sweeter for her. No one really knows why she is the way that she is, but one thing is for sure, Terror will never change, she will always be there.  No matter where you try to hide, how sure you are that you can’t be terrified; she will always be there, waiting, watching, and planning her next game. She’s after us all, for the rest of our lives, but today, today she is after you. How and when we don’t know, but she will find you. She always does.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fractured Fairy tale- Cinderella

Booper Dooper and welcome back to my blog! Today's post will feature a very short story I have written for my English class. We had to take a classic fairytale or Disney movie and change it to fit more modern times! My story is about a girl named Ella Corbon, Her father Henry, her new step mother Annica Tremaine, her two step sisters Drizella and Anastasia, and her boyfriend Caleb Charming. Now I am sure by now you have figured it out but in case you haven't, the story I chose was Cinderella. What was once a love story of magic and love is now a fight for survival as zombie-humanoids begin taking over the planet. Below is my story, hope you enjoy it!

Fractured Fairy tale- Zombie Cinderella

Ella Corbon and her boyfriend Caleb Charming were enjoying a beautiful spring day outside on a beach. Today was a very special day for Ella because she was at the wedding of her father, Henry Corbon, and his fiancĂ© Lady Annica Tremaine. She sat watching as he placed the ring on her finger, they said their vows and had their first kiss as husband and wife. Ella could not be happier, now she has a mother figure again, two step sisters close to her own age, and a loving boyfriend she one day hoped to marry. All was perfect in Ella’s world. She was sitting with her new family watching television in their living room when an emergency news broadcast came on. The broadcast explained a new disease that has been discovered and how mutants were forming because of it, they called them zombie-humanoids. All men of age were being called to go to special training to learn how to fight these creatures.
Ella watched her father and Caleb get packed and get ready to go. She was scared and knew the outbreak was getting worse.
            “El,” Caleb said hugging her tightly, “I will be fine I promise.” He smiled. Ella wasn’t sure but nodded slowly, giving him a small smile. She hugged her dad and watched them leave.
            A few months went by and by now the outbreak had gone worldwide, Ella learned to fight and protect her home and family.
            “Cinderella,” called out her step sister Anastasia, “Come in here and clean the table, its filthy!” Ella, now called Cinderella, was forced to cook, clean, and cater to every whim her step sisters and step mother wanted. She went into the kitchen and saw the table covered in dirt and grass from the lawn outside, she sighed and started brushing it off.
            “Cinderella!” Snapped Lady Tremaine, “We need to go out and get food, as well as a few other things, lets go.”
            Ella hated when they needed to go outside, her step sisters and step mother covered her in blood and other things to draw the zombies out of hiding to attack Ella before the rest of them would go into the area so they were not in danger. Ella grabbed her guns and got ready to venture out. Some time went by with no problems, they were a mile from their house when Drizella, her other step sister, screamed seeing a rat. The zombies were drawn to noise and Ella knew they had heard the scream, she grabbed her pistol and got ready. Not long after the scream zombies came running out towards Ella, she fired her gun time after time shooting and killing the zombies. She saw a few others on their way when she recognized one, it looked just like her father. He was still in his soldier uniform, as he got closer she could read the name on the jacket, “Corbon.” She knew it was her father but she also knew she had to kill him. She brought her gun up slowly and fired, twice, he fell to the ground in a slump and didn’t get up, she started crying and fell to the ground. Her grief did not last long in order for her to kill the remaining zombies.
            “Such a shame Cinderella,” said Lady Tremaine sarcastically, “Henry was such a determined man, sad to see him brought down so easily.”
            “Don’t you dare speak of my father like that!” Ella was angry, not only did she just shoot her father, she knew that Lady Tremaine had never loved him. Her anger subsiding for a few moments as she thought about Caleb, he had been shipped off with Ella’s father. She began to worry and wonder if her love was dead or alive.
            A few weeks went by and no sign of Caleb, Ella had gone out alone to get away from her “family”, she had her guns and other various weapons for protection. She was wandering through the forest when she tripped and dislocated her shoulder, she cried out as the pain shot through her arm and chest. She popped it back into place and zombies started flooding her way, she tried firing her gun but it jammed, Ella decided it would be better to run then try and take on the zombies in close contact. While running she lost one of her shoes but did not stop to grab it, she fled as fast as she could until she was able to duck into a building to hide. The zombies all went about their business, except for one. One zombie stared at the shoe and picked it up, Caleb, who had also been turned when their squad was attacked on the plane headed home from battle, had been searching for something; or rather someone he felt was missing. Caleb grabbed the shoe and knew he had to find the girl who lost it, he kept it with him and went off to find her.
            A few months went by and Ella and her family were still for the most part getting by, Drizella had gone out alone at night to meet up with a boy and was found dead a couple days later. She had already begun turning. Caleb was still in search of the girl who fit the shoe. He wasn’t sure why but he knew deep down she meant something to him.
            “Cinderella lets go. Come, come.” Lady Tremaine said pulling her out of bed, “ We need to loot the mall and see what’s left, come on up, get up.” Ella rolled her eyes, she knows there hasn’t been anything in the mall for months, and they are setting her up to die.
            “No way, you know there isn’t anything left at the mall, hasn’t been for months. I am not going out there.” She got up and walked to the other room, Lady Tremaine was right behind her. She tried convincing Ella to go out but she stood her ground, “you want to go out so bad go without me. I’m staying.” She sat down and started making some bread balls to cook over a small fire.
            Ella decided to go out one night alone and see if she can find food or drinks; she was armed and ready just in case. She had cleaned her gun and made sure it worked. She was just coming out of a house with some bottled water and some Kool-Aid pouches for little kids. Either way it was something to drink. She was traveling home when she hit a pipe with her foot and caused it to clank against a wall; she tensed up knowing what that could mean for her. She waited but nothing happened. She went about her day and got home without a problem, she made sure to hide some of the extra water to keep for herself. She didn’t take all of it, but since they treated her so poorly, she didn’t exactly feel awful either. She decided she didn’t want to take the abuse anymore, she packed a few necessities and waited until night.
Night fall came and it was peaceful, Ella decided to venture out and go off on her own, she was making sure she kept quiet. A few hours had past and she was getting closer to the next town over, she had plenty of food and water left and the sun had started to rise. An animal startled her but she remained quiet. She watched as the animal scampered off and ducking under a tin sheet lying beside a building. The animal was too filthy to identify but it moved causing the tin sheet to slide down and create a crash when it hit the ground. Ella tensed and thought she was alright so she kept walking. A few moments went by and it was peaceful, she was calm and relaxed. A little too relaxed, she sneezed not even thinking about trying to stay quiet. Zombies began flooding in all directions and she watched as they surrounded her. She fought for as long as she could, only a few remained. She used her knives to kill the others, all but one. This zombie was not charging at her, but instead calmly looked at her with something in his hand. Ella stood there and looked as the zombie reached its hand out and she saw her shoe.
She wasn’t sure what to do but she took the time to reload the gun and she watched carefully with her finger on the trigger. The zombie was calm and slowly started walking towards her, she tensed but something about the calm way he was walking she wasn’t attacking him. He was a few feet from her when she finally recognized him, it was her boyfriend Caleb. Ella let him get closer and closer until he was reaching out to hand her the shoe. Ella took it without thought, she smiled and said thank you. Caleb gave a weird, distorted half smile and grunted. Caleb took Ella by the hand and pulled her close, Ella was lost in thought and was just happy to see Caleb again even zombie Caleb. She smiled and didn’t even fight it. She missed her love and it was obvious that he missed her as well. Caleb ended up killing Ella that day, but they lived the rest of their lives together, forever.
Well there you have it! My modern version of Cinderella, hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in my next post! Pip Pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!