Thursday, June 2, 2016

Update! and randomness

Booper Dooper and hello! This post will cover my plans for this blog now that school is out!

So as some of you probably know, this blog was started for my English class. Well now that school is over and I have graduated, technically I could end the blog. But, thanks to my wonderful teacher, I have decided to keep this going. I will try my best to keep up on a schedule and keep this creepy and original! Now I will list a couple of my favorite things just because I feel like it!

My favorite Superhero is Batman, mainly because he is not your traditional hero and more of an Anti-Hero. I will have to admit I have far more Batman things than considered "Healthy" but meh!

My favorite colors are Purple, Blue, Red and Black. Purple is pretty and most of my non batman related things are purple in some way, except a purple batman shirt that I own and I love it!! Blue because I mean what's not to love about blue, its the color of the sky, the sea, my laptop (only because they didn't have purple), and it's blue! Red because I grew up seeing a lot of red things, it happens to be my mothers favorite color and it's also the universal color of love and anger, both of which are common emotions in my life. I am a very loving person, yet I do have a bit of a temper. Finally black, well it is the color of my soul for one, and two most of my clothing is black, because its sliming and who doesn't love that! Now I am not saying I am fat or anything of the sort. I am actually someone who is pretty comfortable where I am at.

I also enjoy drawing, singing, fishing, hunting, helping around the farm, and being outside!

Hope you enjoyed this post it was pretty random buuuuttt.. IM RANDOM! Normal is boring and stuffy. Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a flutetastic day! :D