Saturday, December 9, 2017

Goodbye dear friend

Booper dooper and welcome back!
It's been some time since I've posted but with college and everything it's been hard to find time to write! I've had writers block for awhile now. Finally think I'm out of that funk! This next poem was written on the anniversary of a friends of mine passing away. They took their own life a few years ago. I haven't figured out a title yet but I'm working on that! So I hope you enjoy it!

You look so warm,
Yet act so cold
You welcome the new,
And shun out the old.
The past holds lessons,
But the future is untold.
I've tried reaching out,
But you kept me at bay.
Went to go see you,
And you pushed me away.
You keep saying you have to go
But I really want you to stay.
Your voice it starting to fade,
And your eyes begin to flutter,
But I just can't say goodbye,
Without speaking with a stutter.
Goodbye my dear friend,
I'll miss you everyday.
But you've left us here,
To watch over us all day.

Well there you go! Hope you enjoyed and now that I've gotten my mojo back I'm hoping to be posting more! Have a great day! Pip tu doodly Doo and see you soon!