Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Death, Decay, and Insanity

Booper Dooper and hello!

Wow! Two blog posts in one day?! It must be a holiday! Nope just finally have some poems to post and some free time at a family gathering to jump online and upload. It's my way of making up for my absence over the last few weeks.

The poem featured in this post is my newest one which is titled, Death, Decay and Insanity. This poem really has no set inspiration just thought of the main premise while sitting up in my room late one night, I believe it was storming. The poem, at least to me, represents a person deemed strange and even a bit crazy by society's standards talking to a "normal" person until the "normal" one notices that they slowly have become just as crazy as the one they mocked over time. Now that is how I interpret the poem personally, it is not the only way this poem can be seen as representing as I am not a writer to say there is a right or wrong answer to a poems meaning. I hope you enjoy the poem and may you remain crazy.

Death, Decay and Insanity

The roses are dead
The violets are rotten
I’ve gone crazy,
Or have you forgotten?

The garden has burned
And the animals are dead
But when will you realize
That it’s all in your head?

No one sees it
But it’s always there
Lurking in the darkness
But no one knows where

Everywhere you look
Everything you see
It’s never there for you
But it’s always for me

I’m crazy you say
With death all around me,
But soon you will notice
That you have become me
Well hope you enjoyed this poem! Glad I was able to share this with you and as always, Pip pip tu dooly doo and have a wonderful day!

Story of the Night (Partial)

Booper Dooper and hello!

I would like to start off by apologizing for my absence. My summer has been very busy and I have been trying to make the most of it before leaving for college in about a week. The poem I will be featuring in this post is called Story of the Night, I have been working on this one for a few days and I have not been able to finish it as I have run out of inspiration for this specific piece. I got the idea for this poem while I was sitting outside at the local park around 2 A.M. I was sitting on the swing set looking at the sky, I remember how peaceful the night was and I kept thinking about all the possibilities that the night can hold. Here is the poem, I will post a finished draft whenever that manages to happen, hope you enjoy!

Story of the Night

The night tells a story
The story starts with you
you control the words,
and the words control the mood

The story can start happy,
happy can turn to sad,
sad can turn to anger,
and anger goes back to glad

The story's path is up to you,
you write the words with meaning
the meaning is whatever you make it,
so make it nothing but what you mean

Well there you have it everyone! The current progress of this poem, hopefully soon it will be complete! I will try my best to start posting more updates as I find more time to write! Hope you enjoyed the poem. Go out there and find your own night time story and as always, Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!