Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Family Ties

Booper Dooper and hello everyone! Sorry its been awhile, I swear every time I try saying I'm going to get more active on here shit hits the fan and I fall further behind than before. Well anyways I've been working on this poem for a few months now and I have finally finished it! not too sure on the title yet but I have a few I'm looking into! Hope you guys like it!

Your demons are coming.
How long can you run?
They'll never stop until they have won.
Keep running and running,
trying to break free.
But one day they will catch you,
just like they caught me.

How long will you hide?
You know there is no escape.
You'll join us a lot sooner than you think.
They are coming for you.
There is nowhere to run.
There is nothing you can do.
Because I'm coming for you to.

I said I was coming.
But you ran right to me.
I welcomed with open arms.
You've finally seen behind the mask.
And now the mask is gone,
you belong with us.
The demons didn't catch you,
but they have definitely won.

Welcome to the family.
It's nice to finally meet you.
It may be scary at first but soon you'll fit right in.
Don't worry about the neighbors,
they've been gone for years.
Don't worry about the screams at night,
they aren't in your head.
Soon they will sound like music and send you to sleep.

Welcome to the family,
I've always wanted a sibling.
Someone to look after,
someone to protect.
Because if you mess with our family,
you will wind up dead.

Hope you enjoyed my newest poem! I've finally gotten back into working on my short story I started 3 years ago and I hope to be posting parts from the this coming summer! If any of you have title ideas id love to hear them so don't be afraid to leave a comment under this or any post with feedback! Well like always pip pip tu doodly doo and have a lovely day!

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