Monday, September 5, 2016

Story of the Night Progress

Booper Dooper and hello everyone! I had some down time so I decided to work on Story of the Night, a poem from a previous post that was only partially completed! I am not sure if I want to call it for this poem or if I want to continue. I will have to see what I feel like looking back at it in a few days! so below is the updated/ possibly finished version of Story of the Night!

Story of the Night

The night tells a story
The story starts with you
you control the words,
and the words control the mood

The story can start happy,
happy can turn to sad,
sad can turn to anger,
and anger goes back to glad

The story's path is up to you,
you write the words with meaning
the meaning is whatever you make it,
so make it nothing but what you mean

If you mean what you write the story is true
but if you don't then is it even you?
The truth sets you free
lies do nothing but push you deeper

Deeper into hiding
deeper into the hole
how deep will you go?
Will you ever get out?

Let the night speak to you
let it show you the way
happiness will grow
and love will stay

What is it saying?
can you even hear?
you need to listen,
stop hiding in fear.

the night is wonderful
and speaks so much
let it in and see the world
all from the night that tells it all.

Well I hope you enjoyed that! I'm still a little unsure if I want to extend the poem or not, feel free to comment on what you think! Well as always, Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Recent events!

Booper Dooper and welcome!

Today's post will be a little about my last few days and other recent events!

To start off I moved into college! I currently attend University of Wisconsin River Falls! I am so excited to experience this and go through this school year! These last couple days have been so much fun! I will hopefully post more on that later!

Secondly, I have been working on my writing a lot! Sadly nothing I am comfortable with sharing yet as I'm still adjusting to college life but hopefully shortly I will continue to post my writing!

Finally, a lot of family stuff has been going on, my aunts father, who has ALS, left one night for a cross country drive, it was really scary, he didn't bring his meds or clothes and we were really scared, but he finally did come home!

Hope you all have a wonderful time and I hope to post writing real soon! As always, pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Death, Decay, and Insanity

Booper Dooper and hello!

Wow! Two blog posts in one day?! It must be a holiday! Nope just finally have some poems to post and some free time at a family gathering to jump online and upload. It's my way of making up for my absence over the last few weeks.

The poem featured in this post is my newest one which is titled, Death, Decay and Insanity. This poem really has no set inspiration just thought of the main premise while sitting up in my room late one night, I believe it was storming. The poem, at least to me, represents a person deemed strange and even a bit crazy by society's standards talking to a "normal" person until the "normal" one notices that they slowly have become just as crazy as the one they mocked over time. Now that is how I interpret the poem personally, it is not the only way this poem can be seen as representing as I am not a writer to say there is a right or wrong answer to a poems meaning. I hope you enjoy the poem and may you remain crazy.

Death, Decay and Insanity

The roses are dead
The violets are rotten
I’ve gone crazy,
Or have you forgotten?

The garden has burned
And the animals are dead
But when will you realize
That it’s all in your head?

No one sees it
But it’s always there
Lurking in the darkness
But no one knows where

Everywhere you look
Everything you see
It’s never there for you
But it’s always for me

I’m crazy you say
With death all around me,
But soon you will notice
That you have become me
Well hope you enjoyed this poem! Glad I was able to share this with you and as always, Pip pip tu dooly doo and have a wonderful day!

Story of the Night (Partial)

Booper Dooper and hello!

I would like to start off by apologizing for my absence. My summer has been very busy and I have been trying to make the most of it before leaving for college in about a week. The poem I will be featuring in this post is called Story of the Night, I have been working on this one for a few days and I have not been able to finish it as I have run out of inspiration for this specific piece. I got the idea for this poem while I was sitting outside at the local park around 2 A.M. I was sitting on the swing set looking at the sky, I remember how peaceful the night was and I kept thinking about all the possibilities that the night can hold. Here is the poem, I will post a finished draft whenever that manages to happen, hope you enjoy!

Story of the Night

The night tells a story
The story starts with you
you control the words,
and the words control the mood

The story can start happy,
happy can turn to sad,
sad can turn to anger,
and anger goes back to glad

The story's path is up to you,
you write the words with meaning
the meaning is whatever you make it,
so make it nothing but what you mean

Well there you have it everyone! The current progress of this poem, hopefully soon it will be complete! I will try my best to start posting more updates as I find more time to write! Hope you enjoyed the poem. Go out there and find your own night time story and as always, Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Update! and randomness

Booper Dooper and hello! This post will cover my plans for this blog now that school is out!

So as some of you probably know, this blog was started for my English class. Well now that school is over and I have graduated, technically I could end the blog. But, thanks to my wonderful teacher, I have decided to keep this going. I will try my best to keep up on a schedule and keep this creepy and original! Now I will list a couple of my favorite things just because I feel like it!

My favorite Superhero is Batman, mainly because he is not your traditional hero and more of an Anti-Hero. I will have to admit I have far more Batman things than considered "Healthy" but meh!

My favorite colors are Purple, Blue, Red and Black. Purple is pretty and most of my non batman related things are purple in some way, except a purple batman shirt that I own and I love it!! Blue because I mean what's not to love about blue, its the color of the sky, the sea, my laptop (only because they didn't have purple), and it's blue! Red because I grew up seeing a lot of red things, it happens to be my mothers favorite color and it's also the universal color of love and anger, both of which are common emotions in my life. I am a very loving person, yet I do have a bit of a temper. Finally black, well it is the color of my soul for one, and two most of my clothing is black, because its sliming and who doesn't love that! Now I am not saying I am fat or anything of the sort. I am actually someone who is pretty comfortable where I am at.

I also enjoy drawing, singing, fishing, hunting, helping around the farm, and being outside!

Hope you enjoyed this post it was pretty random buuuuttt.. IM RANDOM! Normal is boring and stuffy. Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a flutetastic day! :D

Friday, May 20, 2016

Terror- an emotional personification

Below is my personification of terror.

Inside out Emotion Personification-Terror

She lurks in the shadows, watching from a far. She takes her time to get to know you. She is never alone, always with her friends, Anxiety, Fear, and her brother Horror. Many say she looks sweet at first, but that is not the case. Terror is a slim girl with long black hair that hangs down to just above the ground, her eyes or rather where her eyes should be are two black holes that seem to go on forever. Terror, with the help of her friends and brother, spends her time following people around and making their worst fears come to life. She lurks in every shadow, makes trees branches tap on your window on a dark and stormy night. She sends a chill down your spine when you are waiting for something you’re nervous about. Terror finds joy in others fear, she feeds on the screams and the frantic panic of someone trying to explain what happened. One of her favorite things to do is every so often get caught on camera or a TV show, it’s not that she wants the fame, but instead the joy she gets of watching herself get featured in a movie, or on the news. Seeing the large group she terrifies just fills her black heart with joy. The paranormal stories, the movies, the pictures, it’s all so pleasing to her, getting to relive those moments while seeing what they do to others is a feeling unexplainable. She loves scaring kids mostly with strange sounds and stuff in their dark rooms; parents normally don’t believe them making it even sweeter for her. No one really knows why she is the way that she is, but one thing is for sure, Terror will never change, she will always be there.  No matter where you try to hide, how sure you are that you can’t be terrified; she will always be there, waiting, watching, and planning her next game. She’s after us all, for the rest of our lives, but today, today she is after you. How and when we don’t know, but she will find you. She always does.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fractured Fairy tale- Cinderella

Booper Dooper and welcome back to my blog! Today's post will feature a very short story I have written for my English class. We had to take a classic fairytale or Disney movie and change it to fit more modern times! My story is about a girl named Ella Corbon, Her father Henry, her new step mother Annica Tremaine, her two step sisters Drizella and Anastasia, and her boyfriend Caleb Charming. Now I am sure by now you have figured it out but in case you haven't, the story I chose was Cinderella. What was once a love story of magic and love is now a fight for survival as zombie-humanoids begin taking over the planet. Below is my story, hope you enjoy it!

Fractured Fairy tale- Zombie Cinderella

Ella Corbon and her boyfriend Caleb Charming were enjoying a beautiful spring day outside on a beach. Today was a very special day for Ella because she was at the wedding of her father, Henry Corbon, and his fiancé Lady Annica Tremaine. She sat watching as he placed the ring on her finger, they said their vows and had their first kiss as husband and wife. Ella could not be happier, now she has a mother figure again, two step sisters close to her own age, and a loving boyfriend she one day hoped to marry. All was perfect in Ella’s world. She was sitting with her new family watching television in their living room when an emergency news broadcast came on. The broadcast explained a new disease that has been discovered and how mutants were forming because of it, they called them zombie-humanoids. All men of age were being called to go to special training to learn how to fight these creatures.
Ella watched her father and Caleb get packed and get ready to go. She was scared and knew the outbreak was getting worse.
            “El,” Caleb said hugging her tightly, “I will be fine I promise.” He smiled. Ella wasn’t sure but nodded slowly, giving him a small smile. She hugged her dad and watched them leave.
            A few months went by and by now the outbreak had gone worldwide, Ella learned to fight and protect her home and family.
            “Cinderella,” called out her step sister Anastasia, “Come in here and clean the table, its filthy!” Ella, now called Cinderella, was forced to cook, clean, and cater to every whim her step sisters and step mother wanted. She went into the kitchen and saw the table covered in dirt and grass from the lawn outside, she sighed and started brushing it off.
            “Cinderella!” Snapped Lady Tremaine, “We need to go out and get food, as well as a few other things, lets go.”
            Ella hated when they needed to go outside, her step sisters and step mother covered her in blood and other things to draw the zombies out of hiding to attack Ella before the rest of them would go into the area so they were not in danger. Ella grabbed her guns and got ready to venture out. Some time went by with no problems, they were a mile from their house when Drizella, her other step sister, screamed seeing a rat. The zombies were drawn to noise and Ella knew they had heard the scream, she grabbed her pistol and got ready. Not long after the scream zombies came running out towards Ella, she fired her gun time after time shooting and killing the zombies. She saw a few others on their way when she recognized one, it looked just like her father. He was still in his soldier uniform, as he got closer she could read the name on the jacket, “Corbon.” She knew it was her father but she also knew she had to kill him. She brought her gun up slowly and fired, twice, he fell to the ground in a slump and didn’t get up, she started crying and fell to the ground. Her grief did not last long in order for her to kill the remaining zombies.
            “Such a shame Cinderella,” said Lady Tremaine sarcastically, “Henry was such a determined man, sad to see him brought down so easily.”
            “Don’t you dare speak of my father like that!” Ella was angry, not only did she just shoot her father, she knew that Lady Tremaine had never loved him. Her anger subsiding for a few moments as she thought about Caleb, he had been shipped off with Ella’s father. She began to worry and wonder if her love was dead or alive.
            A few weeks went by and no sign of Caleb, Ella had gone out alone to get away from her “family”, she had her guns and other various weapons for protection. She was wandering through the forest when she tripped and dislocated her shoulder, she cried out as the pain shot through her arm and chest. She popped it back into place and zombies started flooding her way, she tried firing her gun but it jammed, Ella decided it would be better to run then try and take on the zombies in close contact. While running she lost one of her shoes but did not stop to grab it, she fled as fast as she could until she was able to duck into a building to hide. The zombies all went about their business, except for one. One zombie stared at the shoe and picked it up, Caleb, who had also been turned when their squad was attacked on the plane headed home from battle, had been searching for something; or rather someone he felt was missing. Caleb grabbed the shoe and knew he had to find the girl who lost it, he kept it with him and went off to find her.
            A few months went by and Ella and her family were still for the most part getting by, Drizella had gone out alone at night to meet up with a boy and was found dead a couple days later. She had already begun turning. Caleb was still in search of the girl who fit the shoe. He wasn’t sure why but he knew deep down she meant something to him.
            “Cinderella lets go. Come, come.” Lady Tremaine said pulling her out of bed, “ We need to loot the mall and see what’s left, come on up, get up.” Ella rolled her eyes, she knows there hasn’t been anything in the mall for months, and they are setting her up to die.
            “No way, you know there isn’t anything left at the mall, hasn’t been for months. I am not going out there.” She got up and walked to the other room, Lady Tremaine was right behind her. She tried convincing Ella to go out but she stood her ground, “you want to go out so bad go without me. I’m staying.” She sat down and started making some bread balls to cook over a small fire.
            Ella decided to go out one night alone and see if she can find food or drinks; she was armed and ready just in case. She had cleaned her gun and made sure it worked. She was just coming out of a house with some bottled water and some Kool-Aid pouches for little kids. Either way it was something to drink. She was traveling home when she hit a pipe with her foot and caused it to clank against a wall; she tensed up knowing what that could mean for her. She waited but nothing happened. She went about her day and got home without a problem, she made sure to hide some of the extra water to keep for herself. She didn’t take all of it, but since they treated her so poorly, she didn’t exactly feel awful either. She decided she didn’t want to take the abuse anymore, she packed a few necessities and waited until night.
Night fall came and it was peaceful, Ella decided to venture out and go off on her own, she was making sure she kept quiet. A few hours had past and she was getting closer to the next town over, she had plenty of food and water left and the sun had started to rise. An animal startled her but she remained quiet. She watched as the animal scampered off and ducking under a tin sheet lying beside a building. The animal was too filthy to identify but it moved causing the tin sheet to slide down and create a crash when it hit the ground. Ella tensed and thought she was alright so she kept walking. A few moments went by and it was peaceful, she was calm and relaxed. A little too relaxed, she sneezed not even thinking about trying to stay quiet. Zombies began flooding in all directions and she watched as they surrounded her. She fought for as long as she could, only a few remained. She used her knives to kill the others, all but one. This zombie was not charging at her, but instead calmly looked at her with something in his hand. Ella stood there and looked as the zombie reached its hand out and she saw her shoe.
She wasn’t sure what to do but she took the time to reload the gun and she watched carefully with her finger on the trigger. The zombie was calm and slowly started walking towards her, she tensed but something about the calm way he was walking she wasn’t attacking him. He was a few feet from her when she finally recognized him, it was her boyfriend Caleb. Ella let him get closer and closer until he was reaching out to hand her the shoe. Ella took it without thought, she smiled and said thank you. Caleb gave a weird, distorted half smile and grunted. Caleb took Ella by the hand and pulled her close, Ella was lost in thought and was just happy to see Caleb again even zombie Caleb. She smiled and didn’t even fight it. She missed her love and it was obvious that he missed her as well. Caleb ended up killing Ella that day, but they lived the rest of their lives together, forever.
Well there you have it! My modern version of Cinderella, hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in my next post! Pip Pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Annabell Lee

Booper Dooper and welcome to my third blog post! I have gotten a couple requests to do a post about myself, I have no issue in doing that so I will make a small bio for my next post. This post will feature a poem by Edgar Allen Poe, who is one of my biggest inspirations yet. His poem, Annabelle Lee, is the current inspiration behind a poem I am working on. I haven't gotten very far in mine due to being very busy lately but its a work in progress. Annabelle Lee was written in Poe's classic style that followed the death of a beautiful young woman, it has been said that he wrote the poem after his wife passed away as a legacy to her life.  I really enjoy the poem because even though it is dark and morbid it shows he had a big heart and truly loved his wife. I have a book with everything Edgar Allen Poe has ever written, though it is a very large book, it is a great read for someone interested in his work. The title is "The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe" and can be found on Amazon, or at a Barnes and Noble store! Below is the start to my poem inspired by Annabel Lee and after my poem I will add Annabelle Lee as well. Hope you enjoy and I will hopefully finish my poem soon so I can post it! Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day/night!

Here is the beginning of my poem, all I have is the first four lines.

The world is getting darker,
the voices are louder
 I'm not scared of death,
but what comes after.
Now I will post the amazing poem behind the premise of my own, Annabelle Lee written by Edgar Allen Poe, 1849.
It was many and many a year ago,
   In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
   I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
   Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
   My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
   And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
   In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
   Went envying her and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
   In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
   Of those who were older than we—
   Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
   Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
   In her sepulchre there by the sea—
   In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blood as Dark as Night

04/13/2016 Original Post
10/09/2024 Minor edits since it's no longer a class assignment: 

This post will feature a short story I wrote my freshman year of high school, as a senior I have changed my writing a bit. I recently went back through the story and noticed I had a very bad habit of putting "?!?!?!?!?!" after a sentence where I was showing an excited, or rather shocked question. I went back through and edited those out for the most part and fixed a couple weird sentences but other than that it is the same as when I wrote it three (11 now in 2024) years ago. My inspiration for this story came from a lot of things, I was suffering with depression at the time after losing a friend of mine to suicide. Unlike my poem in my previous post I also got some inspiration from Edgar Allen Poe, he was pretty good about mixing love and death together, seeing is how my friend was like family to me it was very hard to hear of his passing, I also based the main male character on the boy I had a crush on at the time who was also one of my best friends when I was at my old school. Hope you enjoy my story!

Blood as Dark as Night

            I let out a terrifying scream, while I stand there unable to move as the killer slowly walks towards me. My life flashing before my eyes. Just a week ago I never ever know about this place let alone would have come to a godforsaken place like this. “It’s Tuesday, May 17, 2016 around 5p.m. If you’re reading this hopefully you have also found my body.” I wrote that in notebook I was given by my grandma just three days ago. I threw the notebook at the man walking towards me and that one second is all I needed, so I took off running. He chased after me but tripped over a tree root and I never looked back. After running through the woods for about 5 minutes I found a large evergreen and climbed about half way up, until I was covered by branches so unless he looked very close he couldn’t see me, and sat on a large branch, “How did I get into this,” I mumbled. Sitting there, in the tree, I started thinking about where it all started………….

            “Class, this is Annabella, she’s new here and I would like all of you to make her feel welcome and give her a warm Fallen Angels welcome.” Said my science teacher, Ms. Star, she was a tall women with long, blonde hair and green eyes as bright as emeralds. “There is an open desk next to John you can sit at.”

            That’s when I first saw him, John Patrick; he was the cutest boy I had ever seen in my life! His voice sounded like a thousand Angels.

            “Hi, Annabella was it? I’m John. Where are you from?” He said ever so softly.

            “Nice to meet you John, and yes it’s Annabella.” I said while staring into his beautiful blue eyes, “I’m from Harrisburg, Harry high school! Home of the Harry goats.” I said and we both started laughing.

            “John I would appreciate if you do not distract Annabella from class.” Ms. Star said, “Annabella dear, the front of the room is this way.” That’s when I realized I was still staring at John! I started to blush so I quickly turned away and hid behind my notebook.

            The rest of the day went well. John is in ALL of my classes so he helped me around and I met some really nice people, or so I thought…..

            4 days had gone by, and then finally it was Friday.

            "Hey Annie wait up!" John said running after me as I walked to school. "Me and my friends are going to camp out in the woods tomorrow up on Dead Man’s Peak, wanna come with?"

            If anyone else had asked me I would have said no, but something about the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes got me to blurt out, "YES! Errmm…. I would love to."

            Then with the most adorable smile he said, "Thanks and we will come to your house around 3 on Saturday, can’t wait to see you there."

            I started blushing again and said, “OK! Can’t wait!”

            Time seemed to take forever on Saturday! Then finally 3 o’clock came around and John showed up with four of his friends I hadn’t met yet. I grabbed my backpack and, after giving my little brother a hug, left.

            It was about an hour walk before we got to Dead Man’s Peak, then about 15 more minutes before we got to the opening. By then I had gotten to know the others better. There were the twins, Mark and Macey, John’s best friend Connor and Connor’s girlfriend Sophie. We were all having a blast, laughing and singing!

            “Hey guys check this out! There’s a house over there!” Mark said pointing.

            “Well yea dude we can all see that,” Connor exclaimed, “Why do you think it’s called Dead Man’s Peak?”

            “What do you mean?” I asked, “Did something happen here?” Of course everyone is now staring at me in disbelief.

            “Cut Annie some slack you guys, she is new round here after all,” John stated then turned to me and smiled. He continued, “That’s Old Man Silvertooth’s place, legend has it he was murdered in that house! But his body was never found...... People claim to see his ghost but before they can tell anyone………”

            “THEY DISSAPPEAR!!” Connor screamed, making a lot of us jump “AHAHAHAHAHA you guys were so scared!!” We all started laughing again.

            Later that night, “Why does John call you Annie?” Macey asked me, “no one else does.”

            “Maybe he likes her!” Sophie shouted, “Oh how cute! By the looks of her face she likes him too!” She had noticed me blushing.

            “Sophie shush!!” Macey said, “We don’t want the boys to hear us!”

              Macey had a good point, what if John didn’t really like me and found out I like him. Well I didn’t think about it much because I was so tired and I fell asleep shortly after that conversation.

            I was woken up the next morning by a shrieking sound out the side of the tent, which I later found to be Macey after the boys saw her with bed head. She freaked out and ran into the tent while we were all laughing.

            “Mace come out, we were just kidding,” Connor said trying to hold in his laughter, “you look fine!”  

            Macey finally came out of our tent with a big smile on her face and we all decided to go for a hike in the woods. It was a long hike and we lost track of time, next thing we know it’s dark and we tried finding our way back but it was hopeless.

            “Here we can split up,” Mark said pulling 3 of his walkie talkies out of his bag, “I’ll take Macey, Connor and Sophie and then John and Annabella.”

            We were all kind of nervous, but decided to go. I was so scared I didn’t even notice John grab my hand… How were we supposed to know we were entering what may be our last few days alive?

            “Annie are you ok?” John asked trying to hide his own fear.

            “Not really, I’m really scared and want to go home.” I said shaking.

            “Guys Macey, Sophie and me all made it back, where are you?” Mark asked his voice crackling through the walkie. John got a puzzled look on his face.

            “We are still lost,” John said, “Where’s Connor?! He was with Sophie.” He sounded shocked and puzzled at the same time.

            Just then Connor came running out of some bushes with blood streaming down his face. I screamed at the sight and John turned me away. Of course I turn back around just as Connor collapsed, we ran to him trying to stop the bleeding. That’s when we realized Mark hadn’t answered us.  

            “Sophie,” Connor said faintly, “they know! They…..” Connor didn’t say another word. The hand John was holding went limp and he stopped breathing. Connor……was dead.

            John and I couldn’t believe this! I started crying and John was too, he was also shaking Connor hoping he would wake up, but he didn’t.

            Still crying I yelled, “John stop it! He’s gone! You can’t bring him back!” By then I was crying so much I couldn’t see.

            “NO!” John screamed, “I won’t leave him! He’s my best friend! I can’t go without him!”

            Then I thought about what Connor had said, “Sophie. They knew.” Those words were running through my mind like angry bees. Did Sophie do this? Why would she? What about Mark and Macey, did they know?

            “Annie look!” John said wiping the tears from his face and pointing, “It’s Old Man Silvertooth’s house!” Just then I noticed the eerie silhouette of the old abandoned house.

            “Camp must be close!” I screamed. But then we heard another scream from the direction of our campsite. It was Macey! John took off running and I followed right behind him. The screaming was getting louder and louder until we got to the opening where we set up camp and found Macey tied to a tree.         

            “Mark and Sophie are CRAZY!!” She screamed, “wait where’s Connor?!” she looked sincere and then John started to cry again and that’s all it took, “no,” she said faintly, “he isn’t..” now she was crying too, “They took all our stuff and Connor and Sophie were the ones who showed us here, I don’t know my way back.”

            “Maybe we should go to the house up there,” I suggested, “we might be able to see town from higher ground.”

            “Are you insane?!” Macey said, “I don’t want to go anywhere near that house!”

            “Mace stop being a coward,” John said while we walked towards the abandoned house, or what we thought was abandoned.

            “John this place gives me the creeps,” I said when we got to the front door, “maybe we should go back.”

            “It’s getting dark and cold, I think we should stay here the night just in case Mark and Sophie come back. They would never check here.” John said trying to keep us calm, “plus it’s supposed to rain.” John tried the door but it wouldn’t budge.

            “Too bad the door’s locked,” Macey said with a sigh of relief, “looks like we have to sleep outside.”

            Macey and I turned and started walking away until we started hearing a weird noise, we turned back to the house and sure enough, it was John. He had found a large stone and was smashing it on the hinges of the door trying to break them loose, and of course it worked. We walked into the house as it started pouring outside.

            “John I thought this house was abandoned,” I said in terror at what was before me, “what is this?”

            “I-I thought it was!” John said looking completely shocked, “no one has lived here since Old man Silvertooth or at least I thought so…..”

            We had walked into the house we believed to be abandoned, but to our surprise, there were lights on!

            “O.K. I am out of here!” Macey said, I’m not going stay here! This just isn’t right!”

            “Macey please stay!” I pleaded, “I’m scared too, but look what happened to Connor. It’s safer if we all stay together.”

            “Fine, I’ll stay, but I still hate this place,” Macey said looking around, “I’m going to go this way and try to find somewhere to sleep.” She finished and walked away.

            Around a half hour had pasted and Macey hadn’t said anything or come back yet.

            “Maybe she got lost,” John said, “That is so like Mace, or maybe she fell asleep somewhere. Let’s go look for her.”

            We walked around for a while before, while in the basement, I felt something dripping on me from the ceiling. We went back upstairs to find out what it was.

            “Annie don’t come in here!” John said, after pushing me away from the doorway to the next room, “You don’t want to see this.”

            I didn’t listen and walked into the room and screamed, louder than I had ever screamed before. I had walked in to find Macey dead hung from the ceiling fan by a rusty chain, her poor body covered in cuts with a huge gash across her throat. I fell, in tears, to the ground. All of my new friends were dying and I had no clue who was doing this. Now only John and I remained and we vowed to stay together the rest of the night until we can go for help. Too bad we didn’t know it may be our last.

            It was dark and still storming outside. We went to explore the house and John had brought a metal pipe he had found by poor Macey. This house was giving me the creeps, but I wouldn’t leave John’s side.

            “Once I find who is doing this I am going to make them pay!” John said holding the pipe even tighter and still in tears, “even if it’s the last thing I do!”

            By then I my tears had stopped and my heart became heavy, for at that moment I was filled with rage, anger and I wanted revenge.

            “John, you can’t expect me to just sit by and let you teach whoever is doing this a lesson by yourself do you?” I said while picking up a pipe from the ground as well.

            “Annie no,” John said he was starting to tear up again, “I have lost some of my best friends, I can’t lose you as well.”

            I hugged him and I didn’t want to let go. I didn’t feel scared anymore, I am a different person when I’m with him, I just can’t explain it.

            “John I have to try,” I said trying to avoid crying, “I know you care but so do I. Besides if I die today I’m glad I got to spend my last day with you.”

            That’s when a man dressed in all black showed up; he came into the room with a bloody knife in his hand.

            “Oh my god!” John screamed, “Its Aaron! Mark and Macey’s older brother!”

            “Look who’s the smarty pants now,” Aaron said with an evil smirk on his face, “too bad no one else will find out how smart you can be.”

            “Guys are you there?!” It was Sophie, “Mark is insane!! He killed Connor and took me to make sure you couldn’t find your way back!!” She sounded scared and was talking so fast we could barely understand her.

            “Sophie why should we believe you?” I said trying to hide the fear in my voice, “you could have said something earlier and tried to get away.”

            While I was talking to Sophie John was talking to Aaron trying to stall, while he was toying with the two of us knowing we were doomed.

            “I thought you were dead!” John yelled, “three years ago when you ran away, they found your body! You were burned alive!!”

            “That was the whole point John,” Aaron said with a chuckle, “Then if anyone found my victims I would never get caught. The boy that was found and believed to be me was my first kill and had they not thought it was me I would have gone back and claimed self-defense and gotten away with it.”

            “So all those people that mysteriously disappeared….” John started.

            “Yes, it was me,” Aaron said with a hint of happiness, “but sadly you know way too much so I have to kill both of you. The question is how to do it, oh and who dies first.” He started to smile and laughed again.

            “What? I thought you were going to kill us anyways,” John said being a smartalic.

            During that conversation they had I learned Sophie was telling the truth and that Mark was going to kill her because, like John and I, she knew too much.

            “You should have listened to Sophie,” he had said, “She is very sorry about all of this. It’s so sad that you got mixed up in this Annabella, I was just getting to know you.” I heard Sophie scream while Mark laughed in the background, Sophie got quite and Mark stopped laughing. “good bye Annabella, enjoy spending time with my brother.”

            “Annie get out of here,” John yelled, “try to find your way back to town!”

            “No Annie why not stay,” Aaron said, “the fun is about to start.” He started laughing and John came and stood by me.

            “John, I’m not leaving without you!” I said grasping the pipe in my hands tighter, “No way. We will do this together.”

            “Awe how cute the lovers are gonna try and stop me.” Aaron laughed again, then like a cat he sprang into action running right at us full speed. I screamed and John grabbed my hand and we started running as fast as we could.

            “JOHN NO!!!” I yelled as he fell after tripping over a piece of wood, “GET UP! PLEASE!!”

            “Annie go!! Aaron is coming!” John said, “Annie you’re a great person and I’m glad I got to spend my last days here with you. NOW GO HURRY!”

            I took one last look at John, he smiled at me, both of us were crying now, and I nodded and took off running again. I heard a scream and the sound of Aaron laughing again, I knew he was gone. All I could think about when I was running was, “Did they suffer? Will I die tonight?” And most importantly, “If I live what will I do?” All of those thoughts running through my head like crazy.

            I had been running for what seemed like an eternity. I had to find a way out, but I was so tired and didn’t see Aaron so I decided to stop and rest. I sat down and felt something in my small backpack, it was my notebook!

            “Look who I found,” said Aaron walking into the room, “its little Annie, the only one left of these brats that came here.”

            I screamed…… Now, hiding in a tree, I started to cry once again. I started to hear rustling in the bushes by the tree and sure enough Aaron walked into view right underneath me. He is looking around, but finally he walks away. I tried adjusting how I was sitting on the branch but it broke!

            I fell to the ground and got up and waited until I saw Aaron to run. Yes it’s not my smartest plan but I didn’t want to run right into him. I took off running, faster than I ever have. I have been running for what feels like forever and I couldn’t lose him!

            “Annabella just give up!” Aaron said, “You can’t run forever, you won’t get away! I promise you will die quick.”

            “So was this whole trip just a part of your and Mark’s devilish plan to get all of us here?” I blurted out.

            “Annie, my dear little child, you weren’t supposed to be here,” Aaron said, “I was to annihilate the others. But yes, this was a rouse to get them all here. You, Annabella, are just a bonus kill for me. That first kill was the start of a wonderful life for me. I always have something to keep me active.”

            “So you have no remorse for what you have done?” I said knowing I can’t keep running for much longer.

            “None, none at all,” He said laughing, what’s wrong? Getting tired?” He must have noticed I was starting to run weird.

Aaron tripped and hit his head; I thought it was finally over. So I stopped running and watched him lay there, motionless, until suddenly he got up!

I tried to run but slipped and fell, I started getting up but it was too late. Aaron stood over me laughing, he knew he had won. He pulled out his knife and after he stopped laughing he stared at me. “Any last words Annabella?” He asked.

            “Yes, I LOVE JOHN PATRICK!” I screamed as loud as I could and started crying.

            “Annabella that’s so cute,” he said, “and if John hadn’t told you my name I may have let you live.”

            He laughed again, and came at me with the knife; I let out a final scream.

Friday, April 8, 2016

First post! Lets kick this off right

Booper Dooper and welcome to my blog!
I am an eighteen year old girl who enjoys writing poems, short stories and one pagers, throughout this blog I will be posting my own work along with my inspiration behind it. A good majority of the time I find inspiration from other iconic horror writers such as Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, and even some more modern day ones such as CreepyPasta. To start this blog I will post one of the first poems I have ever written, the title, "Running Black", is in reference to a girl who is speaking up to the bullies around her and what the pain they caused has done to her. In no way does this mean I wrote it about myself or that this is a cry for help, it is just a poem I wrote when I was bored. My inspiration for this poem came from just seeing all the people in school, in public every day in tears because of some bully or group of bullies. Though it is not common I find inspiration from only outside things but in this case the outside inspiration was all I needed. This may not completely fall under the horror category, but it is a darker piece so I felt it fit the blog nicely. Below you will find my poem, "Running Black".

My eyeliner is black
it's like your cold heart
it's time to think back
to the very start

As the tears flow
the black starts to run
it's just one more blow
that you do just for fun

Don't you see you're causing pain
the lies and the words
all of it adding to the problem that's main
til finally they are angels, flying high with the birds

Some people can't take it
no matter how hard they try
you've sent them to knifes and caused slits
and many to die

When will you learn what you have done
a million tears
and you caused every one
say goodbye to happy years
for this final statement is true,
no one you have hurt will ever care about you.

That was my poem, first one I've ever written, hope you enjoyed! Pip Pip tu doodly doo and have a great day!