Saturday, December 9, 2017

Goodbye dear friend

Booper dooper and welcome back!
It's been some time since I've posted but with college and everything it's been hard to find time to write! I've had writers block for awhile now. Finally think I'm out of that funk! This next poem was written on the anniversary of a friends of mine passing away. They took their own life a few years ago. I haven't figured out a title yet but I'm working on that! So I hope you enjoy it!

You look so warm,
Yet act so cold
You welcome the new,
And shun out the old.
The past holds lessons,
But the future is untold.
I've tried reaching out,
But you kept me at bay.
Went to go see you,
And you pushed me away.
You keep saying you have to go
But I really want you to stay.
Your voice it starting to fade,
And your eyes begin to flutter,
But I just can't say goodbye,
Without speaking with a stutter.
Goodbye my dear friend,
I'll miss you everyday.
But you've left us here,
To watch over us all day.

Well there you go! Hope you enjoyed and now that I've gotten my mojo back I'm hoping to be posting more! Have a great day! Pip tu doodly Doo and see you soon!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Family Ties

Booper Dooper and hello everyone! Sorry its been awhile, I swear every time I try saying I'm going to get more active on here shit hits the fan and I fall further behind than before. Well anyways I've been working on this poem for a few months now and I have finally finished it! not too sure on the title yet but I have a few I'm looking into! Hope you guys like it!

Your demons are coming.
How long can you run?
They'll never stop until they have won.
Keep running and running,
trying to break free.
But one day they will catch you,
just like they caught me.

How long will you hide?
You know there is no escape.
You'll join us a lot sooner than you think.
They are coming for you.
There is nowhere to run.
There is nothing you can do.
Because I'm coming for you to.

I said I was coming.
But you ran right to me.
I welcomed with open arms.
You've finally seen behind the mask.
And now the mask is gone,
you belong with us.
The demons didn't catch you,
but they have definitely won.

Welcome to the family.
It's nice to finally meet you.
It may be scary at first but soon you'll fit right in.
Don't worry about the neighbors,
they've been gone for years.
Don't worry about the screams at night,
they aren't in your head.
Soon they will sound like music and send you to sleep.

Welcome to the family,
I've always wanted a sibling.
Someone to look after,
someone to protect.
Because if you mess with our family,
you will wind up dead.

Hope you enjoyed my newest poem! I've finally gotten back into working on my short story I started 3 years ago and I hope to be posting parts from the this coming summer! If any of you have title ideas id love to hear them so don't be afraid to leave a comment under this or any post with feedback! Well like always pip pip tu doodly doo and have a lovely day!

Friday, January 6, 2017

The asylum walls

Booper Dooper and welcome back to my blog! Now I know it has been awhile and I'm sorry for that but it's a new year and I plan to update this at least once a month! So below is something I wrote back in high school for my creative writing class, the same class that I started this blog for!  know one of the only ones who will see this is my old teacher Ms. Nelson so HI! :D I do plan on getting my blog out there a bit more this coming year as I also plan to compile some of my short stories and poems and submit them in an attempt to be published! I do understand its one heck of a goal but its also been my dream to be published and I hope to one day achieve that! Not really planning on making any serious money off it but it would still be nice! So below I have posted a picture, This picture is the soul inspiration for the story below it, the scene was created with this picture and all aspects of the story stem from it! Hope you enjoy!

Walking through the eerie hallway, seeing the writing on the walls, the broken glass and bricks under your feet. If it’s quiet enough you can hear the echoing screams of the ones once kept trapped within these walls. One can only imagine the people once walking this hallway, now nothing but a memory. Some say in halls like this the screams can be heard clear as day, echoing through every hole in the now crumbling walls. If you aren’t careful a ghost or rather a demon could emerge from any of the rusted, tattered, steel doors. Forever haunted by the nightmares of the patients, the screams of pain or even just insanity traveling through. Light peaking through the many holes in the ceiling, at night who knows what may fly or crawl through those halls to take shelter, or whether it will remain there come morning. Plants beginning to inch into the halls from holes in the walls, twists and turns covered in glass, and debris. A run down wheel chair could be around any corner. Every turn or bend in the halls is a mystery, what you could find there is almost endless. Writing on the walls saying stuff like “Let me out”, “Set me free”, “they’re coming for you”, and “Save me” though most is added by people who visit after its been shut down, it does add to the spooky and creepy atmosphere.  What once was a clean, busy establishment is now a place many visit to scare their friends or attempt to find a ghost or two. The patients are remembered by the rooms they spent a good chunk of their lives depending what they were there for, and of course the ghost people claim to haunt such a place. Night falls and what was just a creepy old building to begin with is now something straight from the depths of hell. The only light, if any, comes from the moon shining through the gaping hole above you, light from above the beams are creating shadows on the floor who knows what hides in the darkness. At night the ghost stories fill your mind, all becoming more and more scary with each time you go over them. Every little sound spooks you, the wind whistling through the halls sends a chill down your spine, a rat or bird knocking something over causing your heart rate to increase. Should you stay or should you go? Every step is filled with crunching rocks, bricks, breaking glass shards, and even a dead rat or two. A doll left in a room by a patient, very weathered and worn from years of being left out in the open with who knows what messing with it. There are operating rooms as well, rusted rails on the sides of a bed, holes covering the mattress. Some old tools and a table near spilled near the bed, old blood stains on the floor, the mattress as well. Many rumors are around on what exactly happened in these operating rooms, seeing it face to face only makes the rumors of torture and murder seem more likely. Going through other rooms there are tattered furniture scattered everywhere, some old cans of food, maybe even a twinkie here and there.  Some people lived most of their lives here, now here is you, walking through the halls they lived and died in, the insanity starts to get to you after a while and you walk out into the light with a whole new perspective on life behind not just those walls, but any wall.

Well there you have it! Hope you all enjoyed the story and may it fuel the nightmares for days to come!

I'd also like to take this time to thank Ms. Nelson for pushing me to not only continue my blog but also continue my writing after many years and teachers discouraged me. I'm finally confident in my work again and am more open to sharing it with the world! Thank you Ms. Nelson, for believing in me, making sure I never gave up, for everything!

Like always thank you for reading! Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Story of the Night Progress

Booper Dooper and hello everyone! I had some down time so I decided to work on Story of the Night, a poem from a previous post that was only partially completed! I am not sure if I want to call it for this poem or if I want to continue. I will have to see what I feel like looking back at it in a few days! so below is the updated/ possibly finished version of Story of the Night!

Story of the Night

The night tells a story
The story starts with you
you control the words,
and the words control the mood

The story can start happy,
happy can turn to sad,
sad can turn to anger,
and anger goes back to glad

The story's path is up to you,
you write the words with meaning
the meaning is whatever you make it,
so make it nothing but what you mean

If you mean what you write the story is true
but if you don't then is it even you?
The truth sets you free
lies do nothing but push you deeper

Deeper into hiding
deeper into the hole
how deep will you go?
Will you ever get out?

Let the night speak to you
let it show you the way
happiness will grow
and love will stay

What is it saying?
can you even hear?
you need to listen,
stop hiding in fear.

the night is wonderful
and speaks so much
let it in and see the world
all from the night that tells it all.

Well I hope you enjoyed that! I'm still a little unsure if I want to extend the poem or not, feel free to comment on what you think! Well as always, Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Recent events!

Booper Dooper and welcome!

Today's post will be a little about my last few days and other recent events!

To start off I moved into college! I currently attend University of Wisconsin River Falls! I am so excited to experience this and go through this school year! These last couple days have been so much fun! I will hopefully post more on that later!

Secondly, I have been working on my writing a lot! Sadly nothing I am comfortable with sharing yet as I'm still adjusting to college life but hopefully shortly I will continue to post my writing!

Finally, a lot of family stuff has been going on, my aunts father, who has ALS, left one night for a cross country drive, it was really scary, he didn't bring his meds or clothes and we were really scared, but he finally did come home!

Hope you all have a wonderful time and I hope to post writing real soon! As always, pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Death, Decay, and Insanity

Booper Dooper and hello!

Wow! Two blog posts in one day?! It must be a holiday! Nope just finally have some poems to post and some free time at a family gathering to jump online and upload. It's my way of making up for my absence over the last few weeks.

The poem featured in this post is my newest one which is titled, Death, Decay and Insanity. This poem really has no set inspiration just thought of the main premise while sitting up in my room late one night, I believe it was storming. The poem, at least to me, represents a person deemed strange and even a bit crazy by society's standards talking to a "normal" person until the "normal" one notices that they slowly have become just as crazy as the one they mocked over time. Now that is how I interpret the poem personally, it is not the only way this poem can be seen as representing as I am not a writer to say there is a right or wrong answer to a poems meaning. I hope you enjoy the poem and may you remain crazy.

Death, Decay and Insanity

The roses are dead
The violets are rotten
I’ve gone crazy,
Or have you forgotten?

The garden has burned
And the animals are dead
But when will you realize
That it’s all in your head?

No one sees it
But it’s always there
Lurking in the darkness
But no one knows where

Everywhere you look
Everything you see
It’s never there for you
But it’s always for me

I’m crazy you say
With death all around me,
But soon you will notice
That you have become me
Well hope you enjoyed this poem! Glad I was able to share this with you and as always, Pip pip tu dooly doo and have a wonderful day!

Story of the Night (Partial)

Booper Dooper and hello!

I would like to start off by apologizing for my absence. My summer has been very busy and I have been trying to make the most of it before leaving for college in about a week. The poem I will be featuring in this post is called Story of the Night, I have been working on this one for a few days and I have not been able to finish it as I have run out of inspiration for this specific piece. I got the idea for this poem while I was sitting outside at the local park around 2 A.M. I was sitting on the swing set looking at the sky, I remember how peaceful the night was and I kept thinking about all the possibilities that the night can hold. Here is the poem, I will post a finished draft whenever that manages to happen, hope you enjoy!

Story of the Night

The night tells a story
The story starts with you
you control the words,
and the words control the mood

The story can start happy,
happy can turn to sad,
sad can turn to anger,
and anger goes back to glad

The story's path is up to you,
you write the words with meaning
the meaning is whatever you make it,
so make it nothing but what you mean

Well there you have it everyone! The current progress of this poem, hopefully soon it will be complete! I will try my best to start posting more updates as I find more time to write! Hope you enjoyed the poem. Go out there and find your own night time story and as always, Pip pip tu doodly doo and have a wonderful day!